Build, Grow, Scale & Sell
Partnering with visionary entrepreneurs with inspiring ideas. Helping them navigate the 4 key phases of business growth.
Why we do it
In most cases bootstrapping a business is by far the hardest and often slowest approach to growing business profit. Far too many founders have reached their current ceiling of potential and in many cases are just treading water, they have gotten so far on their own and are now paralysed by one or both of the following business killers.
Lack of cash flow to grow.
Lack of knowledge on how to grow.
How we do it
Depending on the stage and requirements of the business we will do one of two things.
Investment capital in return for equity. Check sizes range from $25k-$2M.
All money is smart money. Not only do you receive working capital from Alchemized Co. you are gaining access to a network of highly regarded and successful past and present, founders, CEOs, CFOs, investors and business owners who have in many cases walked the path you are about to head down multiple times before. As the old saying goes, your network is your net worth.
Deploy best in class business Advisory services based on your current business needs.
If your business is not yet ready to raise capital or simply does not require capital at this stage, we will assist in the growth and development of your business until such time capital is/may be required.

Companies We Partner With
Alchemized Co. has deep experience in growing and scaling online stores. B2B, B2C, C2C. Direct to consumer, wholesaling, dropshipping, subscription services.
License & Franchising
If you are already a franchise or looking to become one, Alchemized Co. has deep experience throughout the entire ideation, creation and scaling phase of building a franchised company.
RTO Providers
Providing vocational education and training services. Alchemized Co. has deep real world experience in building and scaling RTO companies in multiple industries.
Online Education
Educational resources including coaching, consulting, courses, membership services and more.
Service Based Business
If you are a service-based company with product to market fit and seek to scale nationally (and ideally) globally Alchemized Co. can help.
Innovative & scalable software solutions, mobile applications and anything disruptive in the technological space is what we get excited about.
our mission
deliver more than just capital injections.
take the guess work out of the game of building and growing your business by amalgamate cutting edge technology and expertise.